Spark Example

Config and Start Spark Standalone Cluster

The spark official document provides guides about how to start a standalone cluster.

In Docklet, Apache Spark is installed in /home/spark .

Assume user robin has a Workspace named note. There are three vnode in the vcluster: host-0, host-1, host-2.

robin opens Web Terminal, entering Spark home directory, starting spark master

root@host-0:~# cd /home/spark
root@host-0:/home/spark# ./sbin/

once started, robin could enter logs directory to check logs. Spark master will print its working URL spark://HOST:PORT, used for connections by spark slaves. Here it may be spark://host-0:7077. The master WEB UI is also printed, probably http://host-0:8080.

Then start spark slaves in host-1 and host-2 using ssh

root@host-0:/home/spark# ssh root@host-1 /home/spark/sbin/ spark://host-0:7077
root@host-0:/home/spark# ssh root@host-2 /home/spark/sbin/ spark://host-0:7077

Done, the cluster is ready.


Docklet provides two scripts in sbin for fast starting and stop spark clusters. The can automatically start a spark cluster, the master of which is host-0, and all vnodes are slaves. The can stop the spark cluster started by

Now running an example

root@host-0:/home/spark# ./bin/spark-submit --master spark://host-0:7077 examples/src/main/python/ 10


Docklet vcluster is in private network, which could not be accessed from public Internet. Docklet provides a proxy service to help visiting Web Server in the vcluster from outside.

In Docklet portal, click Config to configure visiting Spark WEB UI.

Assume the IP address of host-0 is

Configure Service

ip :, port : 8080

Click Enable . Now the Spark WEB UI can be accessed through the URL of

http://portal/_web/robin/note .

From WEB UI, robin could check the information about the Spark cluster, including workers, jobs, etc.

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