Software Packages
The Docklet public base image has the following software:
- vim emcas nano
- tmux w3m curl
- zsh
- unrar,p7zip-full,p7zip-rar
- openssh-server
- openbox
- vpnc ( web )
- fonts-droid, fonts-wqy-zenhei, fonts-wqy-microhei, fonts-arphic-gbsn00lp, fonts-arphic-gkai00mp, fonts-arphic-ukai, fonts-arphic-uming latex-cjk-all
- gcc,g++,gdb,make,autoconf, gfortran, scons
- git, subversion
- openjdk-7-jdk
- python3, pip, virtualenv,pep8,pyflakes
- scala
- haskell-platform
- ruby-full
- clisp, guile
- golang
- nodejs, npm, node-legacy
- r-base, r-recommended, r-cran-*
- texlive-full
- pandoc,xsltproc,markdown
- scipy, numpy, matpotlib, pandas,sympy, plotly, statsmodels, scikit-learn, nltk(with data), tensorflow
- jupyter notebook
- spark
- mpich2
- storm
- elasticsearch
- kafka/zmq
- couchdb/mongodb/memcached/redis-server