Docklet: Lightweight Cloud OS
Virtualize physical cluster, get workspaces in cloud, interactively run programs using browser.
Docklet is written in Python (3.5). Free open-source under the New BSD license.
Virtualize physical cluster, get workspaces in cloud, interactively run programs using browser.
Docklet is written in Python (3.5). Free open-source under the New BSD license.
What users get from Docklet is not a single Container, but a fully functional LXC cluster. Most distributed computing frameworks can run seamlessly without any customization and modification.
Docklet provides users more than a cluster. Users get Cloud Workspaces upon clusters with many programming frameworks pre-installed. Users use just a browser to edit, debug and run their programs.
Docklet is designed for small data centers with usually < 100 physical servers, which is common for many enterprises. It is easy to manage, only requires one public IP address to deploy.
Docklet runs fast. It uses LXC technology with advantages like instant booting container in seconds; high utilization of resources, running thousands of containers in one physical host, etc.
Docklet is Elastic and extensible. Users can scale their vclusters at runtime with just a click in the browser. They can also install software they need as operating in a real virtual machine.
Docklet is very easy to use. It could be an ideal environment for application development and testing, online running data analysis jobs, exercising platform for programming courses, etc.